Shortlists released for Trillium Book awards

Five authors with connections to Ottawa are finalists for the 2017 Trillium Book awards.

The list includes: André Alexis, The Hidden Keys (Coach House Books) for the English award; Jean Boisjoli, La mesure du temps (Éditions Prise de parole), Éric Mathieu, Les suicidés d’Eau-Claire (Éditeur La Mèche) and Michèle Vinet, L’enfant-feu (Éditions Prise de parole) for the French award and Pierre-Luc Bélanger, Ski, blanche et avalanche (Editions David), for the Children’s award in French.

Along with Alexis, the English finalists for the Trillium Book Award are:

Kamal Al-Solaylee, Brown (HarperCollins)

Danila Botha, For All the Men (and Some of the Women) I’ve Known (Tightrope Books)

Leesa Dean, Waiting for the Cyclone (Brindle & Glass Publishing)

Susan Holbrook, Throaty Wipes (Coach House Books)

Melanie Mah, The Sweetest One, Cormorant Books

The other French-language finalists are:

Louis L’Allier, Nikolaos, le copiste (Éditions David)

Paul-François Sylvestre, Cinquante ans de p’tits bonheurs au Théâtre français de Toronto (Éditions du Gref)

Finalists for the Trillium Book Award for Poetry in English are:

Laurie D. Graham, Settler Education: Poems (McClelland & Stewart)

Meaghan Strimas, Yes or Nope, (Mansfield Press)

Dane Swan A Mingus Lullaby (Guernica Editions)

Along with Bélanger, finalists for the Trillium Book Award for Children’s Literature in French are:

Gilles Dubois, Nanuktalva (Éditions David)

Daniel Marchildon, Zazette, la chatte des Ouendats (Soulières Éditeur)

The winners will be announced on June 20 in Toronto.

The Trillium Book Award winners get $20,000 and their respective publishers receive $2,500 to promote the winners. All finalists receive a $500 honorarium.

The poetry award and the children’s literature award winners each receives $10,000 and their publisher $2,000 for promotion. Finalists get a $500 honorarium.

Previous winners include Alice Munro, Margaret Atwood, Austin Clarke, Thomas King, Michael Ondaatje, Marguerite Andersen, Andrée Lacelle and François Paré.

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Peter Robb began his connection with the arts community in Ottawa in the mid-1980s when he was the administrator and public relations director of the Great Canadian Theatre Company. After a long career in journalism with the Ottawa Citizen where he served in a number of different posts he returned to the arts when he became the Citizen's arts editor.